Swimming Pool Space Frame Roof

Project location: Semirara, Philippine


This project is swimming pool space frame roof, the space frame is barrel, with total length 78m, width 41.92m, thickness of space frame 2 m, area 3270 m. 

 This project is square pyramid bolt ball node barrel structure. Space frame support is on the concrete column, total 36 supports, 28 supports are on the side with column height 7.25 m, 8 supports are on the gable wall with column height 12.416 m and 14.768 m. Roof purlin is cold pressing C shape steel, roof cladding is HYK anti-corrosion sheet and FRP day-lighting sheet.


The design use life for this space frame structure is 50 years, roofing cladding system use life is no less than 15 years. As this project is located near the sea, the wind force is more heavy, the corrosion of sea water is bigger, so this project need to be maintained at certain time (for example: pipes made up by anti-rust paint, repairing destroyed roof panel on time, etc …)




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